Lots of good stuff here
if you own an early Williams Solid State Game! This material applies
to the my favorite games, the Williams System 3 through 7 series of games
- Hot Tip through Firepower II. Scroll down for the index to my repair guide for these machines, the original guide on the web for troubleshooting and repairing these classic machines. I've owned over 20 of these great games (and yes, I do own Hot Tip and Firepower II!) and I update the guides on an almost daily basis with new information and tips.
In addition to the repair guides, you'll also find schematics for most of the boards and ROM images for all of the games. I'll be adding a manual and instruction card section shortly.
Not your typical repair guide, but then again, these aren't typical machines! They defy normal logic when it comes to troubleshooting them, and I've tried to document and pass on most of my successes and struggles in troubleshooting and repair. The first five sections are currently available:
Solenoid Cross Reference for all games from Hot Tip through Firepower.
This is a one-page cross reference that lists all solenoid connections, driver
transistors and wire colors for all Williams Solid State games through
Firepower. This was originally published by Williams in June 1980 as a
"Tech Talk" newsletter. Click
here to download (PDF Format) ROM Burning - Need new ROMs for your game? We offer ROM burning services for all Williams games up through System 9.
All of the following schematics will open in a new window System 6a MPU board Schematic - PDF format, approx 370k. System 6a MPU board Assembly Drawing - PDF High Resolution, approx 3.3meg. System 6a MPU board Assembly Drawing - PDF Low Resolution, approx 878k. System 6a MPU board Bill of Materials - PDF format, approx 145k. System 7 MPU board Schematic - PDF format, approx 1.8 meg. System 3 through 6 Driver Board Assembly Drawing - PDF High Resolution, approx 5 meg. System 3 through 6 Driver Board Assembly Drawing - PDF Low Resolution, approx 1 meg. Driver Board Schematic, Part 1 - PDF format, approx 280K. Driver Board Schematic, Part 2 - PDF format, approx 80K. Power Supply Schematic - PDF format, approx 330K. Power Supply Assembly Drawing - PDF format, approx 1.6meg. If you need a complete manual for your game, contact Pinball Resource at (845)473-7114. They have reproduction manuals available for all Williams games. ROM Images (.zip files) - (updated 12/27/02) You can download all the ROM images for Williams games from the www.pinball.com website (WMS official site). System 3 to 6 games are located here System 7 games are located here Don't have any way of "burning a ROM"! I offer ROM burning services if you don't have access to a ROM burner. There are problems with two of the ROM images on the Williams site for the games Lucky 7 and World Cup. The correct image files are located here: Lucky Seven (with Corrected Gamerom - The version on the Williams site has the two PROM images copied in reverse order.) World Cup (includes Special White Flipper ROM 2) |
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